The cost for a make-ready varies depending on the size and age of the home, as well as how long it’s been since a make-ready was last performed. For example, if your previous tenants were there for ten years, that will cost more than if they were there for two years, as you’ll likely need to repaint the home, change the flooring, and so on. A newer home usually needs less work than an older home because systems (HVAC, plumbing, electrical, etc.) are newer, and a smaller unit will typically be less expensive than a large home. We track make-ready costs among the homes we manage and the average cost among all property types is $4,500. Because average tenancy is two years, we encourage our clients to set money aside for this eventuality so that when it comes up, it’s as easy and painless as possible
Maintenance: How much will it cost to get my property ready for new tenants?
Updated on November 23, 2024