Info for Renters

532 landlords sat down to fill out the survey. One by one, they started telling similar stories. Many had tenants ask to break a lease early. Others had to evict tenants. Some had a tenant suddenly stop paying rent altogether.   Only 60 lucky souls didn’t feel stressed out about

Summer is the busiest time of year for leasing rental properties and we are moving into busy season as we speak! While there are many homes to choose from, there are many people seeking to nab those homes! In order to stand out from the crowd, you’ll want to be

Today we’re focusing on security deposits. We often get questions about what a security deposit can and cannot be used for, so we’re here to clear up any confusion. The good news is that the Texas Association of Realtors® lease we use spells this out on page 4, paragraph 10,

532 landlords sat down to fill out the survey. One by one, they started telling similar stories. Many had tenants ask to break a lease...

Summer is the busiest time of year for leasing rental properties and we are moving into busy season as we speak! While there are many...

Today we’re focusing on security deposits. We often get questions about what a security deposit can and cannot be used for, so we’re here to...

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